Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Helpers Needed for the Play in March

Brothers and Sisters,

So, I got more details about the number of helpers needed for the Play.

Makeup helpers: 5 to 6 girls needed
Make-up Workshop: 11:40-12:40pm on 2/20 & 2/27 (if they finish this Sun, then there's no 2/27; it depends on the pace of the workshop).
Rehearsal: 3/20 (After church)
Performance: 3/26 (Saturday: 9.30am to 4pm)

Stage setup helpers: 4 guys needed

Rehearsal: 3/20 (After church)
Performance: 3/26 (Saturday: 9.30 to 4.30pm)

Ushers: 4 people needed

Performance: 3/26 (Saturday: 9.30am to 4pm)

The kids are cute, and they need support!!

I will bring a sign-up sheet to fellowship this saturday. I hope everyone will participate in the event!!


judith portinga wrote:
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 10:31:37 -0800 (PST)From: judith portinga Subject: Re: helpers for the Play in MarchTo:
HI Peter,
The make-up workshop time is 11:40-12:40pm on 2/20 & 2/27 (if they finish this Sun, then there's no 2/27; it depends on the pace of the workshop).

Make-up on 3/26 (performance day) they shall come at 9:30am no later than 10:00am b/c performance will be at 11:00pm. If those help with make-up cannot stay after putting on make-up and need to leave, they can do so. If they can stay and help to make 1 rose with some baby breath as a small bouquet and then help to set up for lunch, and want to see the 2nd performance, they're welcome. If they can only help until finish making bouquets or after lunch, that's fine too. But just let me know who can help what.

If you get 5-6 girls to help make-up and do the bouquets, that's be great. If you can get 4-5 men to help the set up stage and detailing, that's be good. Again, please let me know who can help what.

Also, when the play is over after putting everything back to original setting, it will be around 4:00-4:30 pm on 3/26.

Thank you so much.

Judith Portinga


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