Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Four Spiritual Laws

Vicky has forwarded this link about the Four Spiritual Laws to us.


Thank you, Vicky. This should help our homework assignment!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Summary of Outreach Technique #1. Please Do Homework!

1. 有一位神
2. 創造人和萬物
3. 人和神的關係原是好的
4. 人受魔鬼誘惑而犯罪
5. 人和神的關係破裂
6. 神仍愛人
7. 差派獨生子耶穌
8. 耶穌為人的罪死在十字架上
9. 耶穌三日後復活
10. 人回應神的愛
11. 信 或 不信
12. 信 -> 得救
13. 信 -> 世上有新生命
14. 信 -> 死後有永生
15. 不信 -> 沒有新生命
16. 不信 -> 與神永遠分開

1. 有沒有神?
2. 人的罪性
3. 神的愛
4. 耶穌的歷史:復活 道成肉身
5. 永生 死亡
6. 豐盛的生命
7. 審判

1. 責任 使命
- 要有保羅的欠債感
2. 清楚福音
3. 聖經:神的說話
4. 熟悉聖經
- 要知道每個入手點的聖經章節
創造: 詩篇 19篇
    詩篇 139:13
人的罪性:羅馬書 1:28-29
羅馬書 7:17-18

5. 要開放自己. 講自己信仰的動力. 自己得救的見證.
6. 要敏感, 知道人的需要.

1. 找 “傳福音的入手點” 的章節
2. 預備 “自己得救的見證”

Small Group this week and Program Schedule Update

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

How is your weekend? Have you started preparing the "homework" assignment from Friday's Bible Study?

This week, we will have small group for our program. Please contact your small group leader for details. Please pray for our Outreach effort on Aug 7, and our Evangelical Night on Oct 8. Both events need your participation!

Lastly, let me remind you that we have changed the date for Chinatown Outreach from Jul 31 to Aug 7 Sunday. Please email me if you would like to join me in the Outreach! The updated schedule is posted on our online newsletter:



Upcoming Program Schedule (Updated on July 18)

Jul 15 (FRI) Bible Study: Outreach Technique #1
Jul 22 (FRI) Small Group
Jul 29 (FRI) No program

Aug 5 (FRI) Bible Study: Outreach Technique #2
Aug 7 (SUN) Chinatown Outreach (After 10am)
Aug 12 (FRI) Outreach Experience Sharing
Aug 20 (SAT) Outing
Aug 26 (FRI) Small Group

Sep 2 (FRI) Family Retreat
Sep 9 (FRI) Bible Study
Sep 16 (FRI) Small Group / Kelly's Wedding on Sep 17
Sep 24 (SAT) Movie Night at Peter & Beverly's Home

Oct 8 (SAT) Evangelical Night

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Bible Study this Friday 8pm

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

We will have Bible Study this Friday at 8pm in Church. Connie will lead the Bible Study this time, and the Praise Team will lead the Singspiration.

Event: Bible Study
Date: July 15 (Friday)
Time: 8pm
Place: Chinese United Methodist Church

See you guys!!


Pictures from King-Sang's Farewell Dinner

"Byebye! Good friends. Byebye! Good food", as King-Sang waving his hands, and going to Arizona to start working... He will never forget his last dinner with Luke's fellowship.

We had a good dinner with King-Sang... With all the good food here, he will definitely miss us :-)

Our gift is full of our signatures and best wishes.

Our gift is a photoframe, which reminds King-Sang his purpose of life as Christian. We all wish him be able to find a church for himself, and continue to follow Jesus. Even though he has to leave his friends and family, we know God will continue to look after him. Take care!! Don't skip breakfast, and don't sleep too late at night!! When you are back to LA, remember -- visit us!

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Pictures from "Princess Bethany is One"

Princess Bethany: "What is this? Oh... My first ever Birthday!!"

Princess Bethany: "I am one!! Yo-ho!!"

Lilian and Anthony and their beloved Princess Bethany.