Luke Fellowship Newsletter Online
We are a Chinese-speaking evangelical Christian fellowship. The fellowship is comprised of several cell groups, and the age range is from college age to young working adults. If you live in Los Angeles, and would like to join us, please send a email to our administrator: "peter0306 @" (delete the spaces please)
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Bible Study (Feb 19 Sat)
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
We will have Bible Study this saturday. Jodie & Kevin are kind enough to open their new home!! We will have potluck in their new home, starting 6pm. We ask our fellowship brothers and sisters to try to bring NEW DISHES (something you have never cooked before, or you have never ordered before!!), because this week, our topic is "NEW & FRESH"
We will read the bible to see how we can keep our relation with God with a fresh spirit.
Hope to see you all!!
Event: Bible Study
Date: Feb 19, 2005 (saturday)
Time: 6.00pm (Potluck start)
Venue: Jodie & Kevin's new Home
Address: 7519 Hellman Ave,
Rosemead, CA 91770
Jodie's Home # (626 ) 288-2289
P.S. We expect to start regular program by 7.30pm, if you cannot join us with Potluck, you are still welcome!!
Friday, February 18, 2005
My random thoughts on 2005 Theme for Luke fellowship (From Vicky)
Dear all,
How interesting I was visiting the blogger of Luke and found that thetheme this year is "RENEW our strength"...and this week's topic is"new and FRESH"
I said that is interesting because the theme for 2002 retreat ofCCF@UCI (Chinese Christian Fellowship at UC Irvine, the studentfellowship which I attended and served) was [RE] cube -- REnew,REfresh, REact. What a coincidence!
So...renew our strength, refresh our spirit, react to....what? God?His saving grace? His calling? Well, personally I like God the bestcuz my relationship with Him is more than just His grace and calling,but I'll leave it open-ended for you.
Attached herewith a picture for evidence. (see, I didn't lie, and Idrew that poster too! =D)
Okay, enough of my babbles.
Have a nice day and enjoy the time of fellowship!
Miss y'all lots,
The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.~Exodus 15:2
Renew. Refresh. React
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Helpers Needed for the Play in March
Brothers and Sisters,
So, I got more details about the number of helpers needed for the Play.
Makeup helpers: 5 to 6 girls needed
Make-up Workshop: 11:40-12:40pm on 2/20 & 2/27 (if they finish this Sun, then there's no 2/27; it depends on the pace of the workshop).
Rehearsal: 3/20 (After church)
Performance: 3/26 (Saturday: 9.30am to 4pm)
Stage setup helpers: 4 guys needed
Rehearsal: 3/20 (After church)
Performance: 3/26 (Saturday: 9.30 to 4.30pm)
Ushers: 4 people needed
Performance: 3/26 (Saturday: 9.30am to 4pm)
The kids are cute, and they need support!!
I will bring a sign-up sheet to fellowship this saturday. I hope everyone will participate in the event!!
judith portinga
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 10:31:37 -0800 (PST)From: judith portinga Subject: Re: helpers for the Play in MarchTo:
HI Peter,
The make-up workshop time is 11:40-12:40pm on 2/20 & 2/27 (if they finish this Sun, then there's no 2/27; it depends on the pace of the workshop).
Make-up on 3/26 (performance day) they shall come at 9:30am no later than 10:00am b/c performance will be at 11:00pm. If those help with make-up cannot stay after putting on make-up and need to leave, they can do so. If they can stay and help to make 1 rose with some baby breath as a small bouquet and then help to set up for lunch, and want to see the 2nd performance, they're welcome. If they can only help until finish making bouquets or after lunch, that's fine too. But just let me know who can help what.
If you get 5-6 girls to help make-up and do the bouquets, that's be great. If you can get 4-5 men to help the set up stage and detailing, that's be good. Again, please let me know who can help what.
Also, when the play is over after putting everything back to original setting, it will be around 4:00-4:30 pm on 3/26.
Thank you so much.
Judith Portinga
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Chinese New Year Celebration (Feb 12 Sat)
Hi, Brothers & Sisters,
Rev. Samuel and Sandy Chow is so kind to invite us to go to their home this saturday to celebrate the Chinese New Year. They need to know the headcount for the dinner, which will start at 6pm.
Tim Lin ( )will lead this saturday's program. Please send email to Tim, or reply to the evite.
Event: Chinese New Year Celebration
Date: Feb 12, 2005 (Saturday)
Time: 6.00pm
Venue: Rev. Samuel and Sandy Chow's Home
Address: 1129 Fairview Ave. #A2, Arcadia, CA 91007
Friday, February 11, 2005
What's love worth? Try $100k (Excerpted from CNN Money)
A Valentine's Day flash from economists: If you want to be happy, don't get rich. Get married.
February 10, 2005: 2:00 PM EST
By David Futrelle, Money Magazine
NEW YORK (Money Magazine) - Turns out the old song is right: If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, make an ugly woman your wife. Gorgeous women work too, as do (on the other side of the aisle) husbands of varying aesthetic quality.
Yep, while most of us devote much of our waking lives to careers we may or may not love, the true secret to a wonderful life may be as close as that ring on your finger. Wedded bliss (or a rough approximation of it) is a much better predictor of happiness than cold, hard cash.
The moral: Find that special someone, and then hang on for dear life.
Who can we thank for this insight? The unromantic souls populating the economics departments of the world.
An ever-growing body of research shows that most of us adapt quickly to improvements in our finances; we simply learn to covet a higher class of goods. But the happiness-inducing qualities of a solid marriage last and last. Granted, economists don't quite understand why this is, and the explanations they offer aren't exactly eloquent.
According to a paper by two University of Zurich economists, getting hitched provides "basic insurance against adverse life events and allows gains from economies of scale and specialization within the family." (Try putting this sort of thing on a valentine: "Dearest Wife, I treasure the opportunities you've given me to maximize my utility.")
How much money would it take to make you as happy as a married couple in love? No one can offer a precise number, of course, but that hasn't stopped economists David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald from trying.
They figure a happy marriage is worth $100,000 a year.
But no matter how much you love money, it won't ever love you back. A survey by economists Ed Diener and Shigehiro Oishi reveals that those who place high importance on money are far more likely to be unsatisfied with their lives than those who love love. (While there's evidence that married people are happier because happier people marry more, marriage increases happiness even for the grumpy. The jury's still out on whether unwedded couples get the same benefits from lasting love.)
Now, love is messy, and love can be cruel (for details, consult the oeuvre of Tammy Wynette). D-I-V-O-R-C-E instantly erases the benefits of marriage, and then some, leaving ex-spouses considerably less happy than not only their married friends but also those who never married in the first place.
In other words, a seemingly overpriced Valentine's Day bouquet may be a better long-term investment than anything a hot stock picker can come up with.
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Last Minute Change to Program on Feb 5
Brothers and Sisters,
Sue was too sick to come to fellowship on Feb 5 (saturday). We had to make changes to the program. Instead, we watched a VCD "Noah's Ark and Prophecy of the End of the World" from The Media Evanelism Limited ( 影音使團 )
Inspite of the last minute change of the program, we still had a very good evening of message and sharing.
For those who would like to learn more about the background of the Noah's Ark exploration, you can visit:
Thursday, February 03, 2005
This Saturday: Sue's Sharing (Feb 5 Sat)
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
This saturday we will meet in Church at 7.30pm. Sue will share with us her mission experience in China. I hope her sharing will be inspirational to all of us!!
Event: Sue's Sharing: Mission in China
Date: Feb 5, 2005 (saturday)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Chinese United Methodist Church